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The Company is actively engaged since its establishment with the studies of the National Cadastral Organization, having participated in all phases of its evolution.
ATOPO-THUMB 1 cadastral project  in an area is the process of registration of real property or other rights for individuals or legal entities in a certain region and the connection of these rights with specific properties as defined in cadastral diagrams.
The organized, unified, systematic and continuously updated digital recording and documentation of the properties is performed using  modern methods. Geodesy, Topography and Aerial Photogrammetry some of the basic services that the Company is specialized are the basic tools for geometrical recording and the description of the property.
Collecting, processing and recording of real property assets and other rights per property is also subject of the Company which with the appropriate legal support has provided similar services in the first pilot and the first main program of Cadastral S.A. in Greece.
TOPO-THUMB 2The development of the National Cadastral aims to the creation of a modern, fully automated archive of real estate. One of the main objectives of the Company is its contribution to the completion of this program.
For this reason is involved actively developing modern techniques and methodologies, having gained expertise in this specific field.

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